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Aditya Harsh


I am a machine learning engineer. I graduated from University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in May 2018 majoring in Computer Science with concentration in Machine Intelligence. I love coding and solving mathematical problems.

I work on building Machine Learning Models to support various business objectives and decisions. Further, I am also involved in contributing to open source projects for different communities.

Name :Aditya Harsh
Email :
Github :
LinkedIn :
Phone : +91-790-690-9720

Languages - Python, C++, C

Cloud Technologies - AWS, Heroku

Libraries - Django, Numpy, Pandas

Database - MongoDB, SQLite

Work Experience


Software Engineer | HeyMojo Inc. | Gurgaon, India

Improved the performance of intent classification by implementing multiple models (Word2Vec, fastText, LSTM) which helped in making the chatbot more robust .

Designed and implemented a backend API for the automation of chatbot creation for hotel .


Research Intern | Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India

Developed a new automatic clustering technique based on fusion of multiobjective differential evolution and SOM that successfully beat some of the popular algorithms like VAMOSA and MOCK when used on text clustering .


Project Reviewer | Udacity Inc., US

Review code and provide feedback to Udacity students on Machine Learning projects .

Provides feedback to Udacity on projects including clarification/support for student queries .


Open Source Community Member | DuckDuckGo Inc., US

Creating search engine plugin (Instant Answer module) for DuckDuckGo .

Designed cheat sheet for Anaconda and C++ Vectors for DuckDuckGo written in JSON & Perl .


You have to dream before your dreams can come true.

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?

Abraham Lincoln

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

Nelson Mandela

It is Important to Follow your Dreams and Heart. Do Something that Excites You.

Sundar Pichai

Our industry does not respect tradition – it only respects innovation.

Satya Nadella

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